Montag, 23. April 2007

Global (Sun) warming

Das an der globalen Erwärmung CO2 schuld sein soll ist längst nicht so unzweifelhaft wie in den Medien dargestellt wird.
Es haben sich 41 Wissenschaftler dafür ausgesprochen das CO2 gar nicht die Ursache der globalen Erwärmung sein.
Viel mehr wahrscheinlich sind zyklische Sonnenwind Aktivitäten.
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Die Ausführungen des UN-Bericht sollen auf falschen Daten beruhen:

41 scientists debunk global warming alert

The president of the Royal Society, Lord Rees of Ludlow, asserts that the evidence for human-caused global warming “is now compelling” and concerning (Letters, April 16).

In a public letter, we have recently advised the Canadian Prime Minister of exactly the opposite – which is that “global climate changes all the time due to natural causes and the human impact still remains impossible to distinguish from this natural ‘noise’ ”.

We also noted that “observational evidence does not support today’s computer climate models, so there is little reason to trust model predictions of the future”.

(Dr) Ian D Clark Professor, Isotope hydrogeology and paleoclimatology, Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada
(Dr) Bob Carter Adjunct Professor of Geology, Marine Geophysical Laboratory, James Cook University Townsville, Australia

Full list of signatories

If I read another word about climate change, I shall go mad. Of course the climate is changing. That is what climate does, and has done so for billions of years.

Do these scaremongering pseudo-scientists really believe that puny man can control the unimaginable forces of nature by sticking a windmill on his roof, throwing away his fridge and planting a few trees?

Global warming? Perhaps, but what’s the betting that in a few years they will be telling us that they have got it wrong? That, in fact, the earth is getting colder?

My advice? Leave it to God.

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Global (Sun) warming
Das an der globalen Erwärmung CO2 schuld sein soll...
natraj - 25. Apr, 08:06





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